
Showing posts from August, 2019

A Nation of Mistake

Biggest Mistake of Pakistan : Nation of Mistakes: In 1947, a nation took birth on religious grounds, getting separated from India at the time of independence. During partition, citizen of both the countries had paid the price of independence, and hence had high level of feeling of nationality. As many Islamic states, Pakistan was also wanted to prosper and develop like them. Pakistani Leadership as well as Pakistanis would have high dreams and aspirations towards their nation. The geographical location of Pakistan was also favourable, as the all the trade routes from India to central Asia was through Pakistan and was geographically neared to gulf countries as well. But what were the reasons that a newly formed Islamic nation, full of enthusiasm and nationality, with a good demography, did not prosper? Was that a curse or the mistakes made by the nation? From any new nation, few mistakes are always expected and both India and Pakistan had made several mistakes. But today we will