A Nation of Mistake
Biggest Mistake of Pakistan:
Nation of
Mistakes: In 1947, a nation took birth on religious grounds, getting separated
from India at the time of independence. During partition, citizen of both the
countries had paid the price of independence, and hence had high level of
feeling of nationality. As many Islamic states, Pakistan was also wanted to
prosper and develop like them. Pakistani Leadership as well as Pakistanis would
have high dreams and aspirations towards their nation. The geographical
location of Pakistan was also favourable, as the all the trade routes from
India to central Asia was through Pakistan and was geographically neared to
gulf countries as well. But what were the reasons that a newly formed Islamic
nation, full of enthusiasm and nationality, with a good demography, did not
prosper? Was that a curse or the mistakes made by the nation?
From any new
nation, few mistakes are always expected and both India and Pakistan had made
several mistakes. But today we will discuss some blunders made by Pakistan
which led them blead the 1000 cuts.
The first
Blunder: After Second World war, the world powers had entered into the era
of cold war. US and USSR were gaining power by developing new weapons, gaining
new technology, making new alleys and engaging in Proxy wars. Both US and USSR
were aggressively engaging with other nations to demonstrate their powers and
the world was divided into two factions. At that time, developing nations such
as India and Egypt had chosen to be non-aligned with any of the nations and
made the third front.
However, in
Yr. 1954 Pakistan chose to join the league of US, where US had supported
Pakistan with financial Aid and in return Pakistan was US puppet in
International Politics. The US aid had crippled the economy of Pakistan and
they were getting dependent of US day by day. Also, this aid was directed to
Pakistani Defence and hence the importance of Pakistani Defence has grown
immensely in the nation. Then Pakistani defence was getting involved in all
governmental decisions. This has led to adopting centralisation policy, where
Pakistan with only 2 states (West Pakistan and East Pakistan) was established.
There was no representation in Government from many rural areas of Pakistan,
led to discomfort in many sections such as Pashtuns & Baloch.
The high
involvement of Pakistani Defence in Pakistani Government had also led to biased
judiciary, where judiciary had defended all the acts and principles of
Pakistani Defence, under Law of Necessity. With these acts, the minorities in
Pakistan were losing faith in the Pakistani Government as they were not heard
and their democratic rights were being challenged every now and then. That was
a virtual military rule were all were managed with a yard stick and there was
no place for Diversity. The over power of military has led to several coup by
the Military Generals and a parallel administration of Military/ISI in
On the
contrary, In India, Judiciary was totally independent, Indian defence forces
were having limited access in government policies and UNITY IN DIVERSITY was
the key mantra.
The Second
Blunder of Pakistan was the ignorance and nonacceptance of East Pakistanis.
After independence, the east Pakistan was highly neglected in-spite of fact the
one of the main reasons for the partition was the Bengal Massacre. East Bengal
has to earn their own bread and no financial aid was provided to them. Also,
the Pakistani defence forces were manhandling the citizens of East Pakistan and
their voice was unheard. This had led to several unrests in East Pakistan. The
worst decision of Pakistan was to not to accept the election result where the
party of Mujibur Rahaman, Awami League won the majority seats in the election
of 1970. Then Government had conspired against Mujibur Rahaman, which led to
civil unrest and formation of Mukti Bahini – a Bangladeshi Force for freedom.
The Mukti Bahini made ties with India and gain their Independence. The
partition of Pakistani territory was the biggest loss to the nation. On hand
Pakistan had not utilised the strengths of its geopolitical location where the
Pakistan before Yr. 1972, was having the access of central Asia as well as
South East Asia. Pakistan could enjoy the luxury of its strategic location
however it was busy fighting with India.
The Third
blunder was to engage with US in Afghanistan and nourish Taliban against
the Afghani Govt. backed by USSR. In 1980s, Afghanistan become the proxy war
land for USSR and USA. USSR was backing the legible govt. of Afghanistan;
however, USA was backing the local rebel groups to over through the local
government. US was very far from Afghanistan hence need a safe place for their
army to land and operate. Pakistan was the perfect place for them. At that time
Pakistan did not though that stability in the neighbouring country would be
helpful for Pakistan prosperity, on the country Pakistan supported US for the
sake of aid. Pakistan had also supported Taliban and trained then to fight
against Afghanistan Army. Pakistan was infamous in Afghanistan as ‘the supari
killers in Afghanistan’.
This has later
led to rise of other terrorist groups against Iran and India. Pakistan has
officially and unofficially supported some of the terrorist groups and
facilitate them to prepare training centres as well as the launch pads. After
some time, the terrorist groups were bulling the federal government of
Pakistan. The terrorist groups were acting as a strong non state actors and
were executing terrorist activities in India, Afghanistan and Iran in
corporation with ISI.
Later on, in
Yr. 1999, ISI, Pakistan Military and some terrorist organisations had crossed
the limit and conspired against India to capture Kargil, with the intension to
cut the only highway between Kashmir and Leh. Under General Pervez Musharraf,
Pakistani Military backed militant groups had captured some of the Hill tops,
at the time when military of both nations come down as the posts become
inhabitable. India had won the war with heavy loses and expose Pakistan in
International forums regarding state sponsored terrorism. At that time, US had
to intervene and supported Pakistan and later on the situation was such that
the coup by General Pervez Musharraf was inevitable. This event had once again destabilised
Pakistan and pushed the development miles away.
The fourth
Blunder of Pakistan was the extension of the third one. In Yr. 2001,
world’s biggest terrorist incident occurs in US, the 9/11 attach. After that
attach, US was on war against terrorism across the world and the main convict
of the attach was hiding in Afghanistan and Pakistan. US has clear their stand
on terrorism and ask Pakistan to be either fight against terrorism in Pakistan
or no ties with US. Pakistan wanted to ride in both the boats as Pakistan could
not control the terrorist organisation in Pakistan also don’t wanted to lose
US. The terrorist groups were then backed by local parties and ISI/Military.
Eventually the US had got Osama in Pakistan, which was the huge embarrassment
for Pakistan. The US-Pakistan relation was gone for a toss. Pakistan later loses
the US aid and the diplomatic relation with US. This had reduced the
international investments and Pakistan was soon getting Isolated. Supporting
terrorism has also cost a dent on the International image of Pakistan, that
further led Pakistan in to FATF Grey List.
FAFT is a body
founded by G7 countries to control over the money laundering through the
channels of Smuggling of Drugs, Gold, Humans and what not. That money is later
utilised for terrorist funding. FATF is being formed to track down all such transactions
and based on the inputs they put the countries in to Grey list (if something
fishy is going on) and Black list (if the state is sponsoring/facilitating the
terrorist funding).
In the need of
Investment, Pakistan committed the fifth and may be their final blunder
as a sovereign nation. Pakistan was under Financial stress and needed some
foreign investments. On the other hand, China was welcoming all the poor and
needy nation to put them under one Road one Belt initiative, where china invests
huge amount on non-potential infrastructure projects in poor and needy nations.
Under OROB, China is being benefited in both ways. If the project goes well,
then the repayment on high Interest rate will support China’s Economy and China’s
Image will improve. If the project doesn’t goes well, China will negotiate
other aspects in return of those loans, as they did in Hambantota (Sri Lanka).
Now, Pakistan is also in that trap. CPEC – China Pakistan Economic Corridor is
a subset of OROB, Where China is developing Gwadar Port and laying roads and
railway tracks by issuing High interest loans to Pakistan. Ironically, under CPEC,
those infrastructures have to be developed by Chinees companies. The money will
flow from China and will automatically diverted to China. Now Pakistan Economy
is in great Economic crisis, where the domestic demand is low due to high inflation,
revenue collection is also low and Interest debts has raised to all time high.
Pakistan is now bound to take IMF bailout package, which will relieve the
Pakistani Economy but will produce great stress on Pakistanis.
What can
happen Next?
Pakistan is under tremendous pressure from Multiple ends. India has invoked
Article 370, Pakistan to be under FATF Black list, IMF package have strict
regulations & Term of Army general has been renewed for 3 more years. https://namastehumanity.blogspot.com/2019/08/a-nation-of-mistake.html?m=1
all are the clear indication of the 4th Army Coup on Civil
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