
Showing posts from 2018

Why France is burning?

It is hard to believe that a developed country like France is facing violent agitations. For more than one month the protesters are now on roads of Paris against steep rise in petrol price and  high  cost of living. The Protesters are now demanding low fuel rates, a comprehensive tax reform and increase in minimum wages. The protest is considered as a political vendetta by extremist groups against France President   Emmanuel Macron. The protest is also known as Yellow vest movement, as the protesters are wearing florescent colour high visibility vest during marches and blockades. But is it the only reason for the protest? a big NO. There is a history behind all this and its roots are from World war II. After world war II, the Germany occupied France was completely demolished and needs to be rebuilt. All powerful nations helped France to rejuvenate and initiated various infrastructure projects across the nation. For the projects, Labour workers were brought from nort

Is US selective?

Recently US administration has released the list of blacklisted countries, for following ill practices towards systematic oppress of Minority in their nations. Under US’s International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced the name of 10 countries – China, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Eritrea, Mynamar, Saudi Arabi, Sudan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan – which are designated as “Countries for Particular Concern”. The US understand that many minority individuals in these countries continue to face harassment, arrests, or even death for simply living their lives in accordance with their beliefs. To understand the issue, we must first know that what is International Religious Freedom Act of 1998? It is an act/law passed by US Congress to promote religious freedom as a foreign policy, to promote greater religious freedom in countries which engage in or tolerate violations of religious freedom, and to advocate on the behalf of individuals persecute

Africa the new war land

In today’s world, Asian countries are most talked about for many reasons, sometimes it is about Iran Sanctions, sometimes it’s growing Influence of China in south china sea, and sometimes it is about Russia & Ukraine dispute. It is because most of the dynamic activities happen in these states and Asian countries contribute a lot in various fields such as technology, space exploration and environment conservation etc. It is highly anticipated that a power shift will happen from the European and American nations to Asian and African Nations. To have a share from the upcoming Pie, all the nations are trying to make their ground to dominate in Asian and African Continent. As India and China are most promising nations and are growing like anything, all power centers are diverging and aligning themselves to the new flow of Power. You don’t believe it !!! Let me Explain... US has imposed Sanctions on Iran (no export/import allowed from Iran) and exemptions were given to 8

Chinese Bubble about to burst

China has dominated the Asia's economy for more than 3 decades and it was only possible due to their economic reforms towards the mass production and favorable conditions towards exports. Now in today's world China is expending their geopolitical powers by initiating an ambitious project of Maritime Silk road project (aka One Belt One Road - OBOR). Under OBOR, China is extending debt (loans) to Asian and European nations for infrastructure development project. These Infrastructure projects are the win win for both the parties, as billions of dollars pumped in to an economic weaker nations and China gains influence over these nations by creating debt traps. India has objected and boycotted the OBOR, as India is cautious enough towards these debt trap, as Sri Lanka has fallen into. Now if the Projects under OBOR are completed and successful, then China would get enormous global advantages. China would have much stronger say in UN and could control many of the Internation

December is Coming

Coming Winter will be the month of many uncertainties. Indian and Britain political diaspora are on a roller coaster ride, as both the nations are encountering the similar crisis. As 2019 Lok sabha elections are approaching in India, political blame game is on the front page of any national daily. Opposition is trying to expose the incompetence of NDA govt. and projecting many issues such as Fiasco of Demonetisation - lead to loss of Rs. 5000 Crore (approx.). Improper implementation of GST - lead to unsatisfied businessman. Over price Rafale deal - Price uncovered after supreme court intervention. NDA is also defending their stand by projecting their good steps (mentioned as follows) towards stronger Nation. Jan Dhan Yojna - Total amount deposited Rs. 65,844.68 crore Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana - 2 crore LPG connections to BPL households. Rural area Electrification - Availability of electricity in each village area. Naga Peace Accord - lead to peace in North east

Rice Size Microchip

Bloomberg article dated October 4, 2018, 2:30 PM GMT+5:30, has created a sensation in the world over security services, as reported ‘a rice size microchip for surveillance was found in China make Supermicro’s motherboards’ and almost all nations in the world procure electronic items manufactured in China. It has first come in to the notice in 2015, when Inc. was evaluating ‘Elemental Technologies’ (Based in Portland-Ore). Elemental Technology fit nicely with Amazon’s government businesses, such as the highly secure cloud that Amazon Web Services (AWS) was building for the CIA, hence Amazon consider it as a potential acquisition. During Third party evaluation, the testers found a tiny microchip, not much bigger than a grain of rice, that wasn’t part of the boards’ original design. The chips had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China. With this an another level of war by supply chain attack has initiated. It is also noticed that a state-b

Modi’s Master Stroke (#MMS)

As 2019 elections are approaching, all the political parties are getting active. All non NDA groups are aligning for a common cause & NDA projecting their achievements to get the second term. We all know that upcoming election will be one of the toughest fights for #modishah to win. To ensure the win they must have a winning strategy but to my understanding #modishah has already played their card to win the next Lok Sabha election. Indian diplomacy is setting an example for all the nations especially for Turkey and China as India has managed to sign two important defense pact with two old rivalry countries: COMCASA with USA in Indo-US 2+2 Dialogue and high-tech S-400 missile defense system, during a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. A good diplomat can understand that these pacts complement each other and maintained strategic relations with both Russia & USA. But #MMS lies in the pact signed in the month of Oct’2018 with Iran for supply of Crude oi

India’s Future Fortune

India could be the next blue eyed nation for electronic industry all over the world and this can happen over a decade. You must be thinking, Why is it so? It has many aspects to understand, let’s take them one by one. Today’s China is the biggest manufacturing market in electronic industry, all over the world, and also known as the world’s factory, but this was not true in Twentieth century. In 1980s India’s Electronic export was more than that of China. Both India & China were almost at the same platform but China takeoff from there and never look back. In 1980s Industries in US and Europe were scaling up and looking to develop facilities around the world to reduce their production cost. As in Europe and US, the labour rates were high as 12-15$ per hour however, in Africa, India & China the labour charges were much lower.  Also the establishment in Africa was much riskier than that of in India or China. As India was a young nation that time, the leadership was not very