December is Coming

Coming Winter will be the month of many uncertainties. Indian and Britain political diaspora are on a roller coaster ride, as both the nations are encountering the similar crisis.

As 2019 Lok sabha elections are approaching in India, political blame game is on the front page of any national daily. Opposition is trying to expose the incompetence of NDA govt. and projecting many issues such as
  1. Fiasco of Demonetisation - lead to loss of Rs. 5000 Crore (approx.).
  2. Improper implementation of GST - lead to unsatisfied businessman.
  3. Over price Rafale deal - Price uncovered after supreme court intervention.
NDA is also defending their stand by projecting their good steps (mentioned as follows) towards stronger Nation.
  1. Jan Dhan Yojna - Total amount deposited Rs. 65,844.68 crore
  2. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana - 2 crore LPG connections to BPL households.
  3. Rural area Electrification - Availability of electricity in each village area.
  4. Naga Peace Accord - lead to peace in North east region
  5. Key defence deals with US, Russia, France and Israel.
  6. Infrastructure Development - 40 km of roads are being constructed daily.
But above all these issues, one big issue which rose exponentially in last 6 months is of RAM MANDIR. All non ruling parties and Dharam Gurus are now raising a question that why BJP could not get the clearance to build the RAM MANDIR, as it was their one of the biggest political agenda.


The agitations and discussions are on the highest level, and demand to build RAM MANDIR is as high as it was never before in last two decades. The govt. is also under pressure to retain their regular vote bank and be in power for the next term. In view of this, Govt. is having an option to bring referendum through their cabinet to start the work of RAM MANDIR in Ayodhya. It could only happen after 11 Dec’18 due to code of conduct imposed for State elections.

Britain, a nation which rules India for more than 200 years, is facing a crisis of BREXIT. In Year 2016 a referendum was conducted for exit of Britain from European Union (aka EU). The outcome of referendum was in favour of exiting Britain from EU aka BREXIT. Since than the BREXIT deal, settlement between EU and Britain, was under scanner. Many discussions were held and many offer was produced to settle the BREXIT deal, but all were failed till the deal of Nov’18. The latest deal, approved by Britain cabinet, is being produced to EU, and 27 leaders of EU has also approved the same. But the fight does not end here, the deal has to be approved from Britain’s House of Commons and then only it will be considered as a closed deal.

What is the problem of getting BREXIT deal approved from House of Commons?
There are several issues as it is an 500+ pages document, however we will discuss few major points only.
  1. Border issue of Northern Ireland - The northern Ireland, a Britain control province, share a border with Ireland (an independent nation). Many years before the EU was formed, to resolve a major dispute, an agreement was made between Ireland and Britain, that the border of Northern Ireland shall remain open for Ireland for trade and culture. However today's scenario has been changed, Britain is divorcing EU and Ireland will remain in EU. Therefore that border is suppose to be closed.
         In solution to this issue, it is proposed to have a trade deal between Britain and EU  and that may resolve the border opening dispute.
  1. UK has agreed to pay 39 billion pounds to EU against various MOUs signed with various nations, during the EU period. To honour the MOUs Britain agreed for the Alimony towards easy divorce.
  2. Validity of work permits of Cross Citizens working in different nations of EU, was also a big concern. It was handled well and decided to keep status Quo. However, Visa free travel will be closed after complete BREXIT. The non visa free travel will impact health and education industry in Britain.
  3. One more major issue, which was off the table of BREXIT deal but help in concluding it, was of Gibraltar with Spain. Gibraltar was a Britain controlled territory, located near Spain, and was part of Spain in early 18th Century. To sign the BREXIT deal, Spain negotiated the control over Gibraltar with Britain. Britain also agree for in on no choice basis.

These issues are big enough for the opposition in Britain to agitate. The opposition is making loud noises through out the nation against BREXIT deal. The cherry on the ice is that the ruling party does not have enough numbers to get qualified in the House of Commons with will also held on 11th Dec'18.

With these two incidents, it is anticipated that the market equilibrium will be jeopardise and it will create a wave of uncertainty for longer period.

You all are invited to please share your views on this.....


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