Is US selective?

Recently US administration has released the list of blacklisted countries, for following ill practices towards systematic oppress of Minority in their nations.
Under US’s International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced the name of 10 countries – China, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Eritrea, Mynamar, Saudi Arabi, Sudan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan – which are designated as “Countries for Particular Concern”. The US understand that many minority individuals in these countries continue to face harassment, arrests, or even death for simply living their lives in accordance with their beliefs.
To understand the issue, we must first know that what is International Religious Freedom Act of 1998?
It is an act/law passed by US Congress to promote religious freedom as a foreign policy, to promote greater religious freedom in countries which engage in or tolerate violations of religious freedom, and to advocate on the behalf of individuals persecuted for their religious beliefs and activities in foreign countries. The said act is based on Sanskrit shloka Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम).

What is the issue then?
The issue lies in selective use of the Act. The name missing in the list is Israel. Why? Let me explain…
Israel’s “Basic Law” describes the country as a “Jewish and democratic state” and the penal code of Israel under Article 173, constitutes a “blasphemy” law, mandating a one-year term of imprisonment if one hurts the religious sentiment of Jewish community. The law limits expression on religion in broad terms and criminalise the publications under right to expression. Various issues of religion/belief discrimination persist in Israel.
Then why US has not considered Israel in the list of offender to International Religious Freedom Act of 1998?
That’s a hugely controversial question as US support for Israel is really massive, including billions of dollars in aid and reliable diplomatic backing. It all started from the Cold War era, as the US came to view, Israel as a key buffer state against Soviet influence in the Middle East and aid help to save Israel from a surprise Arab invasion.
Also a large Jewish community lives in US who sympathised with Israel. As the community in US is large in number and can be deciding factor in US politics, hence all politicians pay whole hearted attention towards relation with Israel.
Now the Questions arise... What message US wants to deliver by releasing the list?
To my understanding, the list is a warning letter to nations like Pakistan, who is shifting their foreign policy towards China. US wants to convey strongly that any step of Pakistan towards China could led to sanctions on Pakistan as per International Religious Freedom Act.

Isn’t it a threat to an independent nation?

Please share your views….


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