Africa the new war land

In today’s world, Asian countries are most talked about for many reasons, sometimes it is about Iran Sanctions, sometimes it’s growing Influence of China in south china sea, and sometimes it is about Russia & Ukraine dispute. It is because most of the dynamic activities happen in these states and Asian countries contribute a lot in various fields such as technology, space exploration and environment conservation etc. It is highly anticipated that a power shift will happen from the European and American nations to Asian and African Nations.

To have a share from the upcoming Pie, all the nations are trying to make their ground to dominate in Asian and African Continent. As India and China are most promising nations and are growing like anything, all power centers are diverging and aligning themselves to the new flow of Power.

You don’t believe it !!! Let me Explain...

  • US has imposed Sanctions on Iran (no export/import allowed from Iran) and exemptions were given to 8 nations. Out of those 8 nations 6 are Asian Countries.
  • France is strengthening their diplomatic ties with India on Multiple front such as defence sector, Renewable energy sector etc.
  • US is upgrading the defence exercise with JAI nations, as in addition to Malabar Naval Exercise (A joint exercise by US, Japan & Indian Navy), Joint Air Defence exercise is also proposed.
  • US, China and India are engaging with many African nations to strengthen their diplomatic ties.
This explains the power nations has keen interest but why? Dose these continents has the potential to deliver?

  • Asian and African countries total account to 74% of world population.
  • 75% of rare earth minerals reserves are available in Asian and African nations.
  • Land mass of these two continents is more than 50% of total land mass on earth.
  • GDP (PPP) of Asian and African nation is 58% of the whole world’s GDP (PPP).
  • 17 Asian and African countries top the list of top 20 largest Army in the world and hold 40% share of world spending on defence budget.
As the countries in these two continents are growing and their middle/lower income people are entering in to higher income groups, these nations seems to be the biggest market of whole world. Also as per research it is anticipated that India, China and Nigeria will contribute 50% of the world population.

With these example, it can be construed that Asia and Africa are the gold egg hen in the internationals politics.

All developed nations are tying relations with Asian and African countries, but Asian countries are having higher bargain power as compared to African countries. Hence it is easy to propose lucrative offers to African countries in particular.

African countries have huge potential with a fragile governing system, that’s opens an entry gate for many nations. Over the period of time US and his allies were dominating the region by providing various fund (non-debt funds). But recently US under Trump administration, has reduced their free flowing fund to Africa and China has expressed their interest in investing in African Continent. Under OBOR initiative China has engaged with many African nations and has provided funds (debt fund) and helping them to develop various infrastructure projects.

Now the west countries would have assessed their loss of control as African countries getting debt trapped. They will come up with a more lucrative offer and may gain their lost ground. But the process of gain and losing the ground will create a friction which may result in proxy war between two superpower Democratic front (US and NATO countries) Vs Communist front (China, Russia, North Korea and Iran).

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